You are here: Search and View Listings > Add listings to the listing cart > Using the listings in the Listing Cart

Using the listings in the Listing Cart

By adding listings to your Cart you can work with any group of listings, even if they do not match the same search criteria. Once you add listings to your cart, you can:

Run Reports

  1. Use the check boxes on the left to select the listings you want to include in a report.
  2. Click the Reports button in the MLS toolbar. A list of available reports displays in a new window.
  3. Select the desired report(s), then click the Run Reports button.

Export the listings

  1. Use the check boxes on the left to select the listings you want to export.
  2. Click the Exports button in the MLS toolbar. A list of available exports displays.
  3. Select the desired export, and click the Submit button in the MLS toolbar.

Map listings

  1. Use the check boxes on the left to select the listings you want to plot on a map.
  2. Click the Map button in the MLS toolbar.
  3. The Map Listings window displays.

E-mail listings to someone

  1. Use the check boxes on the left to select the listings you want to e-mail.
  2. Click the E-mail button in the MLS toolbar. Select a report option, and click Submit.
  3. Fill in the E-mail Listings form, then click the Send E-mail button.

Remove listings from the cart

  1. To remove unwanted listings, first make sure all listings are selected EXCEPT the ones you want to delete.
  2. Expand the Options pane (if it is collapsed). Use the Remove Unchecked link(s) located in the Selection Options box. Alternately, you can click the Empty button in the toolbar if you want to remove ALL listings from the cart.

NOTE: Listings stay in the Listing Cart indefinitely if the agent preference "Empty Cart at Login" is not selected (see Using your agent preferences for more information). The system automatically updates listings in the cart anytime a change is made to their status, price, etc., so the listing data is always up-to-date.

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